Monday, August 9, 2010

And then it was August...

Oooh weeeee!

I turned the page on my "California" calendar to the month of August and there it was, in big red letters. The second to the last box in the bottom right corner.

September 3rd- GO HOME! :)

I have officially begun the countdown to coming home. It's strange to see the big red letters that I wrote back at the end of February. I wish I could fast forward through these last four weeks and beam myself (Star Trek style) right into my bed all squishy and warm in my parent's guesthouse in Downey. I can already hear the customs officer saying "welcome home." It always gets me choked up; it means so much more nowadays.

I can't wait to hear your voices, to give you hugs, to hear all the gossip, to taste real Mexican food and yummy frozen yogurt, to smell the ocean, to drive my car and sit in traffic, to go to Target and Costco,

I just can't wait.

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