Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Ladies In Red

Hello ladies...

In the year (or so) since I've posted anything here, I have made two major transportation-type purchases, both happen to be in the color red. So, obviously red is a thing (always been a thing). This is my newest two-wheeled baby, and I love her. I tried to have a naming contest, but in the end I came up with the name on my own as it occurred to me a Linus bike needed a Lucy name. So, she's Lucy. It suits her, she's cool with it. We're totally best friends. She's not jealous of Ruby, my shiny red Prius, for all the quality time that we get to spend together making our way to and from work everyday.

Both of my new red lady-friends make me think of sunny days and summer, which is finally here. Though I hate to be super hot all the time, I love the fun and friend time that summer usually brings along with it. BRING IT summer, I say!

So here's to bike rides and picnics and palm springs and friend time. To outdoor concerts, large and small and of course, summer summer fruits it wouldn't be suummmer withouuuut them...

I'm determined to be back on the blog wagon. We shouldn't be so lame, we all agree reading them is fun, let's just do it! :)


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