Friday, December 3, 2010

December snow!

Ding-Dong December is finally here!

The fall leaves of November were really nice, and yeah, experiencing "real sweater weather" was cool. But now, the bitter cold has begun to set in and me no likey the weather so much.

I've been walking to the gym almost everyday, because cold weather equals hungry carb eating Grace, which in turn equals 10 lb heavier Grace. (Don't get me started on how it sucks that you can workout super hard and lose 2 lbs and then gain 10 lbs in like a week! ARGH.) Anyhoo, It's a 20 minute partial up-hill trudge where I play the "dodge the fresh smashed dog shit on the sidewalk" game. Incredibly fun and good for foot-eye coordination. I decided to show you part of my walk but have chosen to omit the scary post-workout pic of me in my not-so-sexy winter walking gear. You know how the internet lives forever.
So, at the top of the hill yesterday, even though it was the coldest day yet, I decided to take a different (and longer) path home and look what I found! Giraffe's artful cousins! (reference to my first post with Fontenay street art) Unfortunately little giraffe has been paved over by some rock work and no longer exists. All that's left is a single heart on the sidewalk in front of the wall he used to be on. Hopefully, you'll enjoy some of these in his honor. R.I.P. little giraffe.


  1. I'm so sad little giraffe is no more!! Is this the same artist?

    That does look like a cold walk, but it has to be good for your heart, right? Brisk, uphill... blah blah blah?

  2. oh,here they are!
