Friday, July 23, 2010

Paris Plage

PARISIAN SUMMER = Sun, rain, humidity, tourists, long lines and pasty white Parisians in tiny bathing suits lying on the beach along the Seine. WT?! A beach along the river, you ask? Oh yes, the summer phenomena is back my friends.

Since 2002, the city has been putting on "Paris Plage" for the denizens of Paris. They bring in tons of sand, boxed palm trees and lounge chairs and set them up along one side of the Seine to re-create the beach. I went there yesterday to check it out.

It was pretty fun to people watch...oh, the eye candy and the eye sores. Yowza! Teeny weeny suits on guys and gals and I spied many shades of rosey-uh-oh-I'm-really-gonna-hurt-tomorrow skin in the crowd. Everyone seemed to be enjoying the atmosphere though and it was so nice to bury my feet in some sand. All that was missing was the smell of the ocean and the sound of the waves...."ain't nuthin' like the real thang baby."

6 weeks and counting...

Monday, July 19, 2010

Brocante Fever

Last weekend the hubs and I hit the road back to Champagne to see some friends, drink some bubbly and check out the goods at the annual brocante in Charleville. Tu veux une armoire? Look no further. Begging for a buffet? Et voila! The sun was beating down so hard that the tar on the streets was melting- thank goodness I was wearing a crappy pair of Converse and not some cute sandals! ha.

With all the treasures to be found, I came away with a solo bag of pretty ribbon to jazz up future gifts. Believe me, ice cream grandma would've been in our back seat in a minute if we had somewhere fun to put her! (Thinking back, she'd look super-bon in our teeny backyard! Missed opportunity- crap.)

Oh well, there's always next year!
A toute de suite!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

My Sweet Girl

I just wanted to take a moment to say that I truly miss my girl, Maddie. We met on February 14th, 2000 and we had to say goodbye on June 26th, 2010. Madeline was with me for 10 1/2 years of her life, and I'm awfully glad she decided to let me provide her forever home. She was my sweet, loving and often crazy dog for a long time, and I miss her. I'm grateful she stayed with me as long as she could, and even more grateful she's somewhere lounging in the sun and chasing small critters to her hearts content.

Thanks to both Kristina and Gracie for being so good to her, and giving her just what she always wanted: companionship and love.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Paris Made By Hand

A short while ago, a very stylish friend of mine sent me a cool book to explore Paris with...(hmmm...who could that be? xxK) I've read through it a gazillion times and have marked all the cool little places I want to check out. So far, the hubs and I have hit 3 of them.

Yesterday, we checked out...
Le Petit Atelier de Paris- OMG. Talk about minimalist cuteness at its BEST! The front window is adorable and enticing with simple white ceramic doodads hung with care. I want to buy EVERYTHING there! Not to mention the sweet little pup dozing off in his little wooden house in the shop. gasp- tres tres mignon! We will go there together ladies. Oh yes, we will go there.

Pep's - apparently the ultimo in umbrella fixer-upping. His wee (and I mean weeeee) sh
op is in a secret garden-esque courtyard that's 400 years old! Alas, Pep only works for 3 hours on Saturdays so no dice in checking out the merch, but we peeped inside and oooh the treasures that await.
Merci beaucoup for the fun book Kristina!!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Take Me Out to the Baaaaaaallllllll Game (esp if it's in San Francisco!)

A couple months ago, when Jet Blue was having one of those fantastic sales, Mark and I decided to go to San Francisco. More importantly, when the Red Sox would be playing the Giants. Yes, ladies, I've planned trips around concerts, shopping, and parades...this was my first ball game. And because of the Hollywood Bowl season, we had to be back before Sunday.

So here's how we managed to eat, drink, and be merry for thirty-two hours:

10:30 am:

Mark swore by the food at Dottie's True Blue Cafe. Warned me there would be a line and we would probably wait an hour. He was right. But man, was it delicious. I went a little carb crazy - how could you not? Black bean cakes, I'm in. Share some blueberry-cornmeal cakes, don't mind if I do. Food made with love. Worth all the calories, honest. I think I even used REAL sugar in my coffee.

We dropped our bags off at the Hotel Adagio and headed to Union Square. Since it was extra chilly at noon, and knowing we were seeing a night game, I convinced Mark we had to go to Neimans to buy a sweater. In reality, it was so I could have a popover. Found a thin layering T on the rounder and a seat at the bar. Two sidecars later, the popover arrived. With a view of Union Square and strawberry jam melting on the hot pastry, we spent a couple hours taking in the customers and enjoying the booze.


This may be one of the best ball parks for location, location, location. And the only time I've seen a game where I wish I was wearing North Face. Man, Chilly! We arrived early enough to watch batting practice, wave to the kayakers in the bay, and walk around the stadium.

We wore Red Sox hats to represent the nation (and to regulate our core temperatures). Even after my veggie dog and cinnamon walnuts (okay, and Irish coffee) I was becoming a human popsicle. We lasted six innings. The Red Sox were loosing and I couldn't feel my feet. I even passed up a Flashmob Michael Jackson Dance Party so I could be back in the hotel to watch the ninth inning on TV.

Our first day was great. Our second day...dare I say, even better? Stay tuned.