Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Carnies are Coming!

Yesterday, I went to the Sorbonne to register for my summer course. It took all but 5 minutes to get in and out and I even got a cool student ID card. (which I will not share cuz the pic was taken after a sweaty walk uphill and a case of the pre-menstrual bloat) Since the day was so nice, I decided to take a walk through the Tuileries Gardens to the W.H. Smith to buy a magazine.

BAD idea...My sandals were giving me insane blisters and the little pebbles kept finding their way in and rubbing up against them. Hobble hobble, Ow. 6 bandaids later...

GOOD idea...At the end of the garden they were setting up for a summer carnival and
lordy what I came upon was a party prop dream! Do you think this guy would fit in Donny's living room?!? Oy vay!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

It's OFFICIAL...ete est ici enfin!

Summer, oh how I love thee...let me count the ways...

UN...Merci, I'm dying to take you guys there!
t's like Anthropologie on crack and it's a guaranteed 'love at first sight' moment. I mean, check out the cuteness that greets you at the door! Even they are announcing the arrival of my favorite time of year...sigh, just lovely. I could stay in this store all day. Three levels of retail happiness filled with a chotchki lovers delights. shops filled with oodles of cool stuff like these lamps. Me likey!
TROIS...what's summer's day without a little froyo (yes, it's faux Pinkberry, but who cares!) and a little street entertainment?


L'art de la ville

I knew I'd seen him somewhere on my way to the gym when Kristina posted him earlier.There he is, the sweet little giraffe...peeking out at me from the sun-shiny, cobblestone cul-de-sac where he lives. Hearts & flowers float around him, just as they should...

Turn the corner and flash your open mouth smiles cuz your personal paparazzo is waiting to snap your pic! Supreeeeze! Gah.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Reading Is Sexy

I still laugh when I tell people I'm in a book club, don't know why. I'm no fan of Oprah, so don't go thinking she inspired it. I was invited by Keri Luna, didn't know anyone other than her when it started, and so far I'm loving it. I love to read, and having a reason to make time for it has been awesome. Keri and I co-hosted at her house last Sunday and threw a themed "Wuthering Heights" tea. You can't ask me for a theme and not expect a car-load full of gak to go along with it. I think we might have overwhelmed the other book clubbers with the English tea cups, dainty linens and crustless cucumber and cream cheese tea sandwiches, but a good time was had by all. Plua, there were bonnets and top hats for some fun old-timey picture taking. *bonnet in photo handmade by Keri!*

ps, I got so busy with life and tea party planning that I didn't even finish the book... Book Club FAIL!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Taiko Drums and Champagne

Friday nights with the hubs = going out = a happy Grace
(cuz that means I don't have to cook!)

We checked out a ballet at the Bastille Opera tonight; it was a Japanese story called Kaguyahime.Gaggles of my peeps showed and it was quite a percussion spectacular. Taiko drums, gold lame and champagne during the break. Cheers to that! 

Afterwards, we walked to our favorite American burger joint- B.I.A. (Breakfast in America) and got in right before a party of 12 showed up...passed on the chili cheese fries this time and had a yummy omelet with home fries for dinner. Who doesn't love breakfast for dinner?!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

my love for photobooths knows no bounds

Why didn't I know?

Why didn't I know clogs would come back in style? I just gave these away last year! Don't you love how they're Snow White meets fashion farm girl chic. Grrrr.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

confessions of a 2 timer

i'll admit, i knew i'd do it twice before i'd even done it once. the first time was on a Friday, we had plans, it started with wine, ended with laughter and tears. and some disappointment. have to admit there was disappointment, not like the Very first time which was all around good and lovely and exciting.

the second time (tonight) was also planned, different partners, started with wine again and was followed again by laughter, no tears, and again the disappointment. I guess it's just never really as good as the First Time.

but I still love those girls. :)

what did you think I meant?

Monday, June 7, 2010

Summer Sundays...

Ah... summer Sundays. It poured rain then stopped. I walked to the farmer's market with the hubs and loaded up the trolley with fresh fruits and veggies. We hit up the boucherie and boulangerie and headed home. Taxes, bills, 3 loads of laundry, house cleaning and a shower later, we headed out to Paris for a little mindless SATC2 relief. Fabulous fashion, mais OUI! Storyline, pas du tout. Quel dommage.

A short time later in the 13th, in the heart of Chinatown, we were seated at a two top at the Massena- A Chinese restaurant complete with a neon-glowing live lobster tank, rounds of ten with lazy-susans, dance floor, disco ball, live band and wait, could it be? Oh yes, a wedding party in progress. As we happily munched on dim sum, shrimp, veggies and cold Tsing Tao, we watched line dancers giddy-up to some John Denver country tunes. The Cambodian bride, dressed in tight, teal lycra and her groom hit the dance floor, grooving to the Cleopatra-esque 60+ year old diva who had taken to the stage. Dressed in a long, brown taffeta gown adorned with sparkling silver sequins, she belted out the latest Cambodian dance tunes. It's pure entertainment.

I laugh, then sigh with amusement and content. These people are celebrating tonight. In the glow of the hot pink lights, happiness radiates in the exchange of smiles and I'm reminded of the good things in life. Suddenly, I'm smiling too...

Sunday, June 6, 2010

unsupervised sunday

my only goal today was to leave the house before noon. mission accomplished! though Kristina slept in a wee bit too late for breakfast, I was up and ready for the LBC, so I continued solo. after a brief stop in at Portfolio where Cole (my niece) prepped two delicious iced non-fat latte's for me, I delivered one to Kristina and took mine to The Coffee Cup Cafe. solo or not, that breakfast was delicious. the small bit of shopping I did next door was where the unsupervised danger came in, and culminated in a ring purchase later on at Blue Windows... it was 50% off, so it's ok, right? in the end, I decided maybe I should just sit somewhere and read so as not to spend any more money. Peet's on 2nd St. was the location of choice, and I also snuck in a letter to Gracie with my gimp hand while I was at it. thanks summer! thanks LBC! next time, I want my girls with me.

Better than the Sunday Times!

Even though I overslept for our breakfast date, look what Ruth left me on my doorstep!

Thank you coffee fairy, it was delicious!

Ima be @ Bercy Stadium...

Last minute tickets are never this good! (well at least for me) The hubs got tix to the sold out BEP show at Bercy Stadium last night. It must have been 95 degrees in there and we could see the medics wheeling the fainting fans out the side door...fizzing out in the pit before the show even starts = lame luck.

Donning futuristic glittery silver and black, the BEP crew strutted, rapped and sang for over two thumpin' hours. The crowd went crazy when rose above the crowd for a DJ set mixing MJ, House of Pain, Usher and techno beats.

At 11pm, we exited into the 80 degree night air, ripped jeans (they got snagged on the seat), bloody shins (we both banged into the seats in front of us when we were jumping around) and soaking wet.

R to the A to the D-I-C-A-L. I heart the Black Eyed Peas. Period.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Where is this?

Grace, do you and JP live around the corner from this sweet giraffe?
I need a photo.

Lazy Bones Jones

These slippers (a funny Easter gift from mom) have been waiting by the door since 11 a.m. See, I was going to walk to the garage, give it a good clean out, and walk home. But what if someone thought I was having a garage sale? So instead, been sitting in my pink nightshirt and chatting with Ruth on the internet. Yes, night shirt. And it's day time.

Confessions of a lazy Saturday. Mark is doing comedy in Reedly, CA, so I can sit here and blog until I want to blog no more. Or until Ruth's seven good fingers get tired.

Soundtrack: KCRW

one fine Saturday in June

I awoke thinking I'd spring/summer clean my closet today, instead it's been a weepy DVD, listening to Chris Douridas on KCRW and now it's magazine-a-pallooza while facebook chatting with my slimey pal Kristina. Life is good, even when you've only got one good hand. :)