Tuesday, June 8, 2010

confessions of a 2 timer

i'll admit, i knew i'd do it twice before i'd even done it once. the first time was on a Friday, we had plans, it started with wine, ended with laughter and tears. and some disappointment. have to admit there was disappointment, not like the Very first time which was all around good and lovely and exciting.

the second time (tonight) was also planned, different partners, started with wine again and was followed again by laughter, no tears, and again the disappointment. I guess it's just never really as good as the First Time.

but I still love those girls. :)

what did you think I meant?


  1. ...but I bet the clothes were JUST as good.

  2. ohhhh the clothes were specTACular! even better, as i could pay attention to more detail (Carrie's tassles on titties for the camel back scene, for example). I also noticed SJP's soooper short thumbnail with evidence of hangnails in a close-up while she's holding her book... made me feel like we're sisters. :)

    and Aidan... *sigh*... just as good. better. <3

  3. also... I knew well enough the second time that I could flee to pee during the karaoke scene... oy!
