Saturday, June 19, 2010

Reading Is Sexy

I still laugh when I tell people I'm in a book club, don't know why. I'm no fan of Oprah, so don't go thinking she inspired it. I was invited by Keri Luna, didn't know anyone other than her when it started, and so far I'm loving it. I love to read, and having a reason to make time for it has been awesome. Keri and I co-hosted at her house last Sunday and threw a themed "Wuthering Heights" tea. You can't ask me for a theme and not expect a car-load full of gak to go along with it. I think we might have overwhelmed the other book clubbers with the English tea cups, dainty linens and crustless cucumber and cream cheese tea sandwiches, but a good time was had by all. Plua, there were bonnets and top hats for some fun old-timey picture taking. *bonnet in photo handmade by Keri!*

ps, I got so busy with life and tea party planning that I didn't even finish the book... Book Club FAIL!


  1. plua = plus. in case there was any confusion...

  2. Wuthering Heights and Little House on the Prarie share the same fashion sense...sounds like you had a lovely tea party Laura Ingalls Wilder! Reading IS sexy and FUN!
