Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Carnies are Coming!

Yesterday, I went to the Sorbonne to register for my summer course. It took all but 5 minutes to get in and out and I even got a cool student ID card. (which I will not share cuz the pic was taken after a sweaty walk uphill and a case of the pre-menstrual bloat) Since the day was so nice, I decided to take a walk through the Tuileries Gardens to the W.H. Smith to buy a magazine.

BAD idea...My sandals were giving me insane blisters and the little pebbles kept finding their way in and rubbing up against them. Hobble hobble, Ow. 6 bandaids later...

GOOD idea...At the end of the garden they were setting up for a summer carnival and
lordy what I came upon was a party prop dream! Do you think this guy would fit in Donny's living room?!? Oy vay!


  1. would you get a load of the NIPPLES on that ape?? I think Donny's dog's could fit inside the nostrils alone. If only we'd had it to frighten the citizens of Tustin for Jeff's birthday party!

  2. Giant gold french gorillas are my favorite.
