Monday, June 7, 2010

Summer Sundays...

Ah... summer Sundays. It poured rain then stopped. I walked to the farmer's market with the hubs and loaded up the trolley with fresh fruits and veggies. We hit up the boucherie and boulangerie and headed home. Taxes, bills, 3 loads of laundry, house cleaning and a shower later, we headed out to Paris for a little mindless SATC2 relief. Fabulous fashion, mais OUI! Storyline, pas du tout. Quel dommage.

A short time later in the 13th, in the heart of Chinatown, we were seated at a two top at the Massena- A Chinese restaurant complete with a neon-glowing live lobster tank, rounds of ten with lazy-susans, dance floor, disco ball, live band and wait, could it be? Oh yes, a wedding party in progress. As we happily munched on dim sum, shrimp, veggies and cold Tsing Tao, we watched line dancers giddy-up to some John Denver country tunes. The Cambodian bride, dressed in tight, teal lycra and her groom hit the dance floor, grooving to the Cleopatra-esque 60+ year old diva who had taken to the stage. Dressed in a long, brown taffeta gown adorned with sparkling silver sequins, she belted out the latest Cambodian dance tunes. It's pure entertainment.

I laugh, then sigh with amusement and content. These people are celebrating tonight. In the glow of the hot pink lights, happiness radiates in the exchange of smiles and I'm reminded of the good things in life. Suddenly, I'm smiling too...

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