Sunday, June 6, 2010

unsupervised sunday

my only goal today was to leave the house before noon. mission accomplished! though Kristina slept in a wee bit too late for breakfast, I was up and ready for the LBC, so I continued solo. after a brief stop in at Portfolio where Cole (my niece) prepped two delicious iced non-fat latte's for me, I delivered one to Kristina and took mine to The Coffee Cup Cafe. solo or not, that breakfast was delicious. the small bit of shopping I did next door was where the unsupervised danger came in, and culminated in a ring purchase later on at Blue Windows... it was 50% off, so it's ok, right? in the end, I decided maybe I should just sit somewhere and read so as not to spend any more money. Peet's on 2nd St. was the location of choice, and I also snuck in a letter to Gracie with my gimp hand while I was at it. thanks summer! thanks LBC! next time, I want my girls with me.

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