Thursday, June 10, 2010

Why didn't I know?

Why didn't I know clogs would come back in style? I just gave these away last year! Don't you love how they're Snow White meets fashion farm girl chic. Grrrr.


  1. for reals, who knew? and those shoes, even when clogs took their fashion siesta, have always been SO super cute! did I take this pic of your high falutin feet in Palm Springs? I seem to recall you hopping on that hale bay to show off your Snow Whites. and for some random reason I believe I remember you bought them in Pasadena. if I'm right, then I might be shoe Rain Man.

  2. I say be an Indian giver and get 'em back if you can! They're so super cute girl!

  3. hale bay! I said hale bay! HAHAHHAA!
